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Dignified and meaningful employment
for people with disabilities

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Sheltered Workshops Are at Risk – Act Now!

Sheltered workshops provide employment, community, and dignity for over 150,000 individuals with disabilities nationwide. Sheltered workshops are more than just workplaces—they’re a lifeline.

A proposed federal rule threatens to shut them down, eliminating jobs and leaving thousands of adults with disabilities without the vital support they rely on.  

Take action today:

Submit a comment to the Department of Labor and make your voice heard. Every comment counts!

Watch this video to learn more

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• Tag 5–10 friends who care about inclusion and employment for individuals with disabilities.

Visit these resources for more information:

• Employment Choice:

• A-Team Missouri on Facebook:

Together, we can protect the choice of employment for those who need it most.

#DignityHasAVoice #EmploymentChoice #SaveShelteredWorkshops

#MASWM #coalitionforthepreservationofemploymentchoice